Reasons people should not buy travel insurance

30/11/2019 , 268.981 views

Travel insurance is insurance products for unexpected risks occuring to individuals or families in traveling, working at home and abroad, providing protection in emergency situations desire as accidents, illness, delayed flights, lost luggage. However, it brings a lot of disdavantages. This article will list them to caution travelers.

Travel insurance is insurance products for unexpected risks occuring to individuals or families in traveling, working at home and abroad, providing protection in emergency situations desire as accidents, illness, delayed flights, lost luggage. However, it brings a lot of disdavantages. This article will list them to caution travelers.
Travel insurance does not compensate for risk, case by war, civil war
According to statistics, the insurance company will not compensate you if risks occur as a result of the war. Similar to the civil war in the African wild, the company will not pay compensation if you are kicked at war.
Travel insurance does not ensure for pregnant women
For pregnant women, the insurance company will not compensate any injury or illness related to pregnancy or childbirth. So, if you are pregnant, you should travel in the city rather than traveling to the jungle to the sea (due to higher risk). Moreover, if being close to the date of birth, you should stay home ot ensure the safty for both mother and baby.
In case you are disappeared mysteriously
When purchasing travel insurance, you will be paid according to the number of days for which you're traveling. When expires you do not return home and no contact, and no confirmation that you have died due to a certain cause, you will be deemed missing.
These cases the insurance company will not pay you if police office does not confirm kidnapped, you will be compensated for damages. If you are missing mysteriously, nobody knows where you are and the police in the not found, you will get nothing from travel insurance company.
You are imbued with HIV as well as radiation
A rather tortuous case, when you are accidentally (always unintentionally) infected with HIV due to a variety of ways when traveling, or be contaminated with radioactive substances, biological toxins caused by humans

Then you will not receive compensatation from the travel insurance company. And one thing in particular any public health case before the insured, when you are traveling, the disease relapses suddenly, condolences once again, the insurance will not help you.
Insurance will not help illegal acts
Of course you do not want to violate the law in any way, in fact, you've seen with the cars causing traffic accidents and tried to escape from the pursuit of the security forces, or the violation case other measures, such as money laundering, smuggling . And if it's while traveling, insurance is of course turned to the criminals.
It's a mistake to think that the insured company will seek medical assistance.
When your goal is treatment or medical care abroad, the insurance will not help you at all. In case you are not healthy enough to move, or traveling against the advice of the qualified medical practice, you will not be paying compensation.
The travel insurance company will not help for air travel
You feel excited when you first get into the sky by hot air balloon, you're confident with the aircraft of their individual, or many other means to help you float among the clouds. It is Sorry if there are ears accidents happen, because travel insurance only pays only for customers on the plane only.